Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Monday, February 15, 2010

Menu Monday!


This is what our menu looks like this week for our house:

Monday- Stuffed Bell Peppers, Homemade mac and cheese and homemade mashed red potatoes 

Tuesday- Crockpot(gymnastic night) White Chicken Chili

Wednesday-out to eat with Ben's parents

Thursday- Spaghetti with meatballs, salad and garlic bread

Friday- Homemade Sloppy Joes, with garlic potatoe wedges, fruit salad

Saturday- Penne Pasta with sausage and red peppers, corn and green beans

Sunday- Subs from home, baked chips and fruit salad 

If There is a recipe you would like to try, let me know!  

I hope everyone has a great week! 



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