Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Fun!


The week has been pretty good! Nothing big going on here really! We finally had a week free of sickness-YAY!!! 
I went to a Mommy's meeting on Monday and enjoyed meeting some new people! Hope to get know them since some live right in my neighborhood!  

Tuesday we signed Emma up for softball! She is going to be on an all girls team! I am excited! They asked Ben to help coach as well if needed! 

I went to a MNO last night-first one since last summer! Had a great time with some great gals! 
I hope to do it more often! 
Emma had her Valentine Party today at school. She got lots of cute stuff! 

I took the kids today to get their hair trimmed! (see pic above) 

I am looking forward to Monday's party here-if it doesn't snow it out! I will not be happy lol! 

I don't think we have anything big planned for Sunday-We will prob just rent a movie this weekend sometime!

We should have a new niece or nephew by this time next week!  

I will have my Menu Monday up some time Monday! I am trying lots of new recipes! I Am excited! I went shopping today and got lots of fresh produce and stuff so.. If you see a recipe you would like to try let me know!  

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and Valentine's Day!~

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