Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Friday everyone!

Hope everyone had a great week! I have!! I started my weight loss program in addition to the gym and I have lost 5 pds and 3 inches in 2 weeks! I have dropped 2 pant sizes in 2 months! I am feeling so great! I am going to start jogging and getting ready for a run in May! Hope I can do it! Anyways.. Enough about me!!!!

Please go to this blog and scroll down we are near the bottom and leave a comment and check out our pics so we can win a free 5 x 7!:) http://drakeanddrakephotography.squarespace.com/

We  do not have a ball game this weekend so we are going to take advantage and play outside with the kiddos! I think we may set our tent up and make sure it is ok to go camping !Who knows.. It is suppose to be nice maybe we will sleep under the stars!!! 


Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Fun!

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you all had a BLESSED weekend! We spent almost all weekend outside playing and working in the yard! It was GREAT!!! 

 Hope everyone has a GREAT week a head-ours is busy with softball games with Emma and gymnastics, and a Stars Game on Wednesday night, the gym, me helping at Emma's school and apts!:) I think that is it!! LOL!