Hi all! Emma graduated from kindergarten last night and she got an award for "Most Improved in all areas"! I am SO proud of her! She has become such a smart little lady!!
Noah on the other hand- Well he is all boy! He locked Emma and I out of the house the other day and stood at the door and laughed at us! He broke my coffee pot because he was on the kitchen counter! At Emma's graduation he threw a cup at a girl and barely missed her face, threw a sock at the people in front of us, poked the guy next to us in the cheek, kept hitting people in the butt and threw my Mama's phone case in the walk way while the kids were walking in all while at the program! He was wild- all boy!! LOL!
Today Emma's class is having a Beach party! Monday they are having a field day with games. Wednesday is the last day then we will be headed to Tucson on Friday!
Hope all of you have a blessed weekend!:)