Hey guys! I am horrible at updating. So sorry! I will try to do better.
Here goes!!:)
Ok so we have pretty much finished up with our foster care stuff. We are still planning to do foster care adoption at some point but right now God is leading us on a totally different path. We were not expecting this at all. We had said at some point decided we would do international adoption but we had planned to do that several years from now.
I got an email from an adoption agency that I had never heard of. In the email it asked me to join their private Facebook face that they post pictures of kids on the waiting children's list. I requested to join the page. Their are only 40 something people on the page. That same day I joined they posted a picture of a little girl from Peru that I totally fell in love with. I can't explain what happened but I felt this overwhelming feeling in my heart that I needed to inquire about her. I wish I could share her name and her medical condition but for now I can't. She will be 3 in November. I can say this, the sooner she gets to the U.S for medical care the better.
So here we are.. we are trying to raise enough money to go to Peru to get her in Febuary. We need to be there 3-5 weeks. Yes, we are crazy! I do know that if God leads you to it, he will bring you to it though.
We just finished up with a tshirt sell and raised almost $400 in a week. I am about to start selling beads for Visiting Orphans. They are beautiful. In October we are planning to do a yard sale. If anyone has anything they would like to donate, please let me know. Then in November I am planning to do an Aggie's Art fundraiser. They have some amazing jewerly and would be great Christmas gifts. So those are our plans. Obviously the biggest help right now for us is prayer. Lots of prayer. Would you please join us in prayer as we pray our little girl home!!:)
God Bless,
leavin' on a jet plane...
3 days ago