Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday!!

Today I am thankful for my son, daughter and hubby!!
I am thankful I am able to stay at home and be such a big part of their lives because I did not get to do that when Emma was a baby until she was 3.5. I am thankful that we are homeschooling and doing Tot School with Noah even though some days like yesterday are beyond describable. I was sick. Emma had co-op so I though that I would have a break but after I picked her up and we got home I hear this big thud and Noah starts screaming. Emma has pushed him off the sofa. I Asked her about it and she said she did not do it. Then I said well I hope you are telling the truth because God saw you. She then said that she meant to push him off. This hearts my heart!!Her punishment was no playdate that we had planned and no dance unless he earned it back!!  I am THANKFUL that Noah is OK and only has a quarter size knot and bruise and thankful that Emma told me the truth after knowing that God saw her!! By the way, Emma asked Jesus to be her Saviour on Sunday night!! That made my heart happy!! :) OK so on to more being thankful. I am thankful I am able to help in Noah's MDO class, be a  leader for Awana's, Be a co-leader for Girl Scouts, take Emma to co-op, dance, Gymnastics, Girlscouts, Dance, Church and etc.!! Yes I am busy but I am thankful that I am able to do all of that!! I am thankful for my husband who works hard for us, I am thankful for kids, I would do anything for another baby but I am so thankful for the 2 that I have!!  Most days things are GREAT but every once in a while there will be a day like yesterday!! I am THANKFUL there are more good than bad!!

So what about you? What are you thankful for?

Hope everyone has a blessed rest of the week and weekend! We will be celebrating my Mom's 50th b-day this weekend!!:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu Monday

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend and off to a good week! We have been SUPER busy!! Last Friday we went to a Field Trip To see a Replica of the Nina and The Pinta which was AWESOME by the way!!
Saturday I spent the day getting "Pampered". Our neighbor is in Cosmetology school so I had the works done!! Daddy took the kiddos to the Space and Rocket Center for Free Museum Day.

Sunday we spent the day at church mostly! We went to Sunday School, Service and back that night for Awana's.

Today the kids had gymnastics. Noah LOVES the bars but he cries during warm up and mat exercises. Emma is still doing GREAT!! ( I tried to upload photos but for some reason it said rejected)

Emma and I had Girl scouts tonight!! It was fun!!:)

Tomorrow an Old Friend and Her Daughter are coming over to play!!

This week for our menu is:( I tried to post my Menu pic but it was rejected?)

Monday- Crock pot tacos, black beans, and fruit (gymnastics and Girl scouts)

Tuesday-Sloppy Joe BBQ sandwiches, corn, tater wedges and fruit

Wednesday-Spaghetti with meatballs, mixed veggies, french bread, fruit

Thursday-Crock pot Chili, Corn bread, fruit(Dance)

Friday- Pizza, salad, fruit, brownies

Saturday- Chili Dogs, tater tots, baked beans, fruit

Sunday-Not sure something fast because we have Awana's until 7:00

Hope everyone has a BLESSED week!!:) See you soon!!
