Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Fun!


The week has been pretty good! Nothing big going on here really! We finally had a week free of sickness-YAY!!! 
I went to a Mommy's meeting on Monday and enjoyed meeting some new people! Hope to get know them since some live right in my neighborhood!  

Tuesday we signed Emma up for softball! She is going to be on an all girls team! I am excited! They asked Ben to help coach as well if needed! 

I went to a MNO last night-first one since last summer! Had a great time with some great gals! 
I hope to do it more often! 
Emma had her Valentine Party today at school. She got lots of cute stuff! 

I took the kids today to get their hair trimmed! (see pic above) 

I am looking forward to Monday's party here-if it doesn't snow it out! I will not be happy lol! 

I don't think we have anything big planned for Sunday-We will prob just rent a movie this weekend sometime!

We should have a new niece or nephew by this time next week!  

I will have my Menu Monday up some time Monday! I am trying lots of new recipes! I Am excited! I went shopping today and got lots of fresh produce and stuff so.. If you see a recipe you would like to try let me know!  

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and Valentine's Day!~

Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Weather on Menu Monday!!!

We got some more unexpected crazy weather today!!! I was beginning to think it wasn't going to stop!:) It was pretty but I am getting tired of it, kinda! LOL! 

This is what tonights dinner looked like! I am sure to some it looks gross but  to me is is really good, easy, and cheap! Ben likes it too-which is major plus!:)Noah even likes it!
Tomorrow is a fun, busy day for us! Noah and I are going to a Mommy's Group tomorrow only like 5 min from our house to see if we want to join, Emma has gymnastics and then we have ball sign ups for Emma tomorrow night! Hopefully she will have ball practice on Wed or Thur night since she has gymnastics on Tuesday. Guess we shall see!:) 
Have a GREAT week! 

Menu Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We have a busy fun week planned this week! 
Here is this weeks menu for our house!

Monday-Jambalya, Cornbread, apple cinnamon muffins

Tuesday-(gymastics and t-ball sign ups)-Homemade pizza, fruit salad

Wednesday-Homemade Hamburger steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and homemade mac and cheese

Thursday- Free night- MNO!!!! YAY! I will prob fix chicken nuggets and fries for kids and Ben

Friday -Grocery store-Will probably eat out!

Saturday- Chili dogs, with baked french fries and orange slices
Sunday-Beef Steak Tacos and Taco salad for me, black beans, and spanish rice

Today was my weigh-in for Scaleback Alabama! I did not do as well this week! I cheated bad over the weekend! I only lost 2 pds this week!:( Oh well! Better than nothing! 

Hope everyone has a blessed week!:) 

Psalm 97:10

"Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked."