Hi everyone!! Hope you are all having a BLESSED Weekend!! We are doing ok.Noah is sick with an upper resp infection and I seem to have a stomach bug!!
I wanted to ask you guys to pray for two special ladies and their babies.
First is my friend, Heather, her husband and her sons. She is burying one of her twin boys today that passed away earlier this week and her other twin boy is fighting SO hard. They were born at 25 weeks. Please help me pray that they find peace today at the funeral and that her other little boy will pull through. Please pray that I find the right words to minister to them!!
The Second Person is my cousin, Tiff. We grew up together and my heart is hurting for her. She is pregnant at 19 weeks. This is her first pregnacy. She is having twins a boy and a girl. She has a step daughter named Chloe who is 6. Tiff was admitted to the hospital on Friday night with bleeding and contractions. She is 2 cm dilated. The contractions have stopped for now. Baby Boy- Tre's fluid is low. They are hoping that with bed rest it will build back up. Please help me pray that she will be able to keep the babies in for at least 5 more weeks!! Please pray that I find the right words to minister to them!!
The last thing is heavy on my heart- I really do not know where to begin so I am just going to leave it at this. Please pray that God will give me the right words to say to a person whom I having problems with.Please pray that God will help me not to feel angry or sad. I am not sure what happened. My intentions with this person who nothing but sincere. This is an ongoing thing that has been happening for many years. I am not sure why this person feels that I am so wrong. I am not sure why this person can't admit when they have done wrong. I admit that I have said my share of not so nice things. That was the past though. I am not sure at what point, I stop trying!! All I know is it hurts and it also involves my kids and my husband too.It is not fair to them. Just pray that God's will be done!! I just want this to be over with. I am so mentally drained from this battle.
Update: My friend lost her other son today as well. They are in heaven together!!
leavin' on a jet plane...
3 days ago