Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weekend Fun!

Emma and I went to the circus yesterday with her class! We had Such a GREAT time! It was fun that I got to go with her class but also that I got to do something with just Emma for a day! 

Last night, My Mom kept the kiddos for Ben and I to go to dinner and have a date. So we went to the movies, target(ha), and then home to relax by the fire and watch some t.v. I actually slept until 7:30 today! That is a big WOW for me! Thanks Mom!:) 

Today we have been just been hanging out and playing on the wii and with legos! 

Hope everyone is having a Very GREAT weekend! I will do a Menu Monday on Monday! 

There are some fun stuff going on next week for us! 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful that I have lost down to my pre-pregnancy weight with Noah! I have a long way to go to get to my pre Emma weight but.... for now, I am just happy about the 12 pds I have lost in 2 months! :) I am not trying to toot my horn or make anyone feel bad about it. I just have had my extra weight since after Emma was born so for 6 years so this is a big step for me! I did have a little help with the 5 pds that was taken off of my boobs, LOL!  I am looking forward to getting my wii fit or EA Active this weekend. I have to make up my mind which one would be better for me! I am thinking EA Active though!

I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!:) 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Taskful Tuesday

Today and yesterday afternoon I have been  cleaning from top to bottom! I am tired of people being sick! I want the germs and dust gone!!!!

I am hoping that groundhog was wrong.. I am so ready for spring even if that means my allergies will drive me nuts.. at least my kids will feel better!  

Noah seems to be feeling a lot better today! In fact, he is my little helper today!    

Monday, February 1, 2010

Menu Monday

Monday- Tacos, Taco salad for me, Black beans and spanish rice

Tuesday-Crock pot Pot Roast(gymnastic day), green beans, carrots and potatoes, corn bread

Wednesday-Parmesean Chicken, Brown rice, Brocoli

Thursday-Smoked Sausage, Home made Wheat mac and cheese, green peas, Fruit Salad

Friday-We usually have left overs or take out or something easy like hotdogs!  

Ususally every night we have some type of fruit for dessert too!:) 
What are you having for dinner this week?

I did my weekly weigh in today for Scaleback Alabama! I have lost 5 pds since last Monday. Not sure how but I am not complaining! Just been watching sugars and portions! 

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sickly Sunday

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Noah has felt bad all weekend! His fever spiked last night so we took him to the dr today, He has the flu! Poor baby can't get a break at all! 
We had crockpot BBQ sandwhiches and potatoe wedges today! It was really good for my first time making both things!:)

Tomorrow I will have Menu Monday up.. I hope! I may have to wait until Noah takes his morning nap.. but I will get it up!

Hope everyone has a VERY blessed week ahead!