Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Monday, March 8, 2010

Menu Monday!

Hello friends! Hope you all had a great weekend!:)

Ben left today to go to Tucson until Friday night. 

This week menu is:

Monday-Spagetti with meatballs, steamed veggies and bread

Tuesday(gymnastics)-Crockpot white chicken chili , cornbread

Wedneday- Southwest meatloaf, home made mac and cheese and mashed potatoes 

Thursday- Mexican bake, spanish rice

Friday-hotdogs with baked potatoe wedges and fruit

Saturday-Homemade pizza 


I hope everyone has a GREAT and blessed  week! We have a busy and fun week ahead! Emma has gymnastics on Tues and ball practice on Thursday. I have a Mommy's Club meeting on Tuesday and I plan to start walking this week.
I am still doing my Wii Active. I have lost the 10 pds for Scaleback Alabama! YAY!!! 

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