Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Thursday, November 10, 2016


I know it has been a while since I updated but honestly we have just been waiting and waiting. On Monday November 7th, we got word that we finally got our official letter of Approval. We got the actual copy in the mail yesterday along with all of our papers to mail to uscis to get approval to bring Sarah Jane to the U.S. The i800a asks for approval to bring a child and the 1800 asks for approval to bring a specific child. We hurried and got all of that in the mail to Fed Ex to arrive today. Approval is usually around 2 weeks but we have several holidays approaching. If we stay on track, it looks like we could meet Sarah Jane on JaN.16th. If not, it will be Feb due to Chinese New Year. Please pray that the process will finish smoothly, for us as we prepare our home, our children's hearts as we wait, and for us to raise the remainder of the funds we need. We are so close! Thanks for following us on our journey! Brandi

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It has been a long time!! Adoption update!!

It has been a long time since I last blogged. I decided to blog again to keep people informed about our adoption. We are adopting a little girl who we are naming Sarah Jane, who has down syndrome, from China. She was 3 in Feb. She is spunky, beautiful and just wonderful!!! Can't wait for everyone to see her. Our homestudy should be proofed and approved in the next few days!!! YAY!! After that we mail off our 1800A to get approval from the U.S. to bring Sarah here from China. That process is taking two months, right now. Our house is on the market. Lots of big decisions to be made as far as what area we will be moving in for school. We want a very good special needs program. Please keep our family in your prayers. I will try to keep this updated!! Brandi