Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

Monday, July 8, 2013


The last few weeks we have been working away on our adoption stuff. 
We have done our finger prints. We did them about two weeks ago. We have to wait on those. They can be completed fast or it could take a few months. 
We completed our last adoption training. Our house is ready.  We have scheduled our cpr/first aid class. We have completed all of our paper work, profiles, and letters to birthparents and child. We still have to do a scrapbook. I plan to do that this week.We have to do our medical forms.(we are waiting to the last min.-they are only good for 6 months).  Our last meeting we have with our social worker we will turn in our last paper work, letters, scrapbook, sign a few forms, and have our home check. When that is complete, our social worker will write our homestudy. When that is complete we will register with the state of Alabama and start searching for kids. 
So worst case is three months before it is complete. 
We are also trying to get my CDIB card.(certified degree of Indian blood) In order to adopt a native american child, the family must be able to prove native heritage by one parent. The parent has to have a cdib card or be a member of a federally recognized tribe. I always knew that I had some indian blood but did not realize I had as much as I do. I also found out, I am a member of a tribe. Who knew??!! lol. I am trying to contact them to get more information.

The babies have birthdays this week. It is bittersweet. Anna turns 1 and Nate turns 2. We are planning a day trip to celebrate on Saturday!:)


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